Jumat, 26 September 2014


sebenarnya rada2 malu ngepost ni tulisan, soalnya ini adalah my first short story dlm bahasa inggris yang gue buat pas semester empat buat tugas CLW (Creative Literary Writing) dan pastinya vocabnya juga pas2an, grammarnya banyak salah. ceritanya? jangan tanya, udah pasti gk interesting. but anyway gpp lah yg penting update blog. hihi. judulnya 'Lovely' (sebenarnya rada gk nyambung sih)

            Sometimes I feel it is unfair. He is still young, handsome and has a bright future, but what is happening now? And I suddenly remember the words in a book  Everyone will die, because death isn’t care of your age, your jobs, your position, your wealth, your face, your everything. It will come suddenly without telling you before.   because this earth is field to plant ours in the next day.
  I remember one time, when we often had an argument, different, I said yes, he said no, and at the end would make a squarrel between  us. I remember again when we were child, playing together,  altough he sometimes make me cry, but another times he will always take care of me, when someone want to bother me, he will ready to became my sudden bodyguard. At short, he can be very kind and can be very annoying at certain time.
I am still beside him, looking his stiff body and ceasily stare at him.  Suddenly I see him woke  up, walked toward me and take me flying on the air_halusination_ it is true, I feel really above  clouds. Look around, together with birds, with butterfly, with dragonfly and all things on the air. It reminds me 15 years ago, when we were playing kite in plain field, looked the blue sky.
“I wanna go to the sky” I said while pointed the sky_at that time I was 4 years old_
“One day” He continued
“Horee, together with you?” I asked again
“Hmmm, sure” He answered
And today, together with him, I am flying, above the blue sky, on the blowing wind, getting higher and higher.
“Come on, what are you thinking of?” asked a voice of my mother “we are going to burry the late your brother”
“the late?”I asked
Heard that word, I really still do not believe that my only brother was die. Really I am not. I feel he still alive, stay by my side, keep caring of me and would always beside me.
“Liliiiii....” My mom waving her hand toward me, “hurry , do not  amuse, I know you are sad, may be you not accept this yet, but....” she cannot keep her tears fall, huge me, tightly, and I also cannot stop my tears fall away through my red cheek, huge her again. More tightly.
I cannot stand anymore when corp of my brother was put in a hole of burial place, and again my tears fall. Heavier. I see my mother, she also do the same. Many people, friends of my brother, our cousin  and others almost do the same thing. Let their tears down. Until all I see looked dark, really dark. Finally I see nothing.
When open my eyes, I get my self  lying on the bed, thought that I was unconsiouss, and a voiced surprised me.
“My lovely sister, how are you? ”
I will always remember  that word_lovely_my brother always call me with that name until all people call me Lyli.
“My brother, is that you?”
“yes, Lyli”
“I really miss you, I want you to stay here with me”
“Of course lovely”  while put his hand onto my shoulder.
“promise?” I said to him
“Promise” he answered while put his two finger up, making a symbol like”piece”
“You will not break your promise right?” I convinced him
“Promise” he said again while do the same.
At that time we talk about many things, tell each other, I told him about my new teacher, my new adventure and ask him to treat me meatball. He told me about his long journey to go to somewhere, which he did not want to tell me, told about a giant bird which accompanieed him came here and told about a small bridge which he passed when came here.
“Lyli..” my mother called me,
“yes mom” I answerd
 “What are you doing? “
 I just shake my head
“With whom did you speak?“
“I see nobody here, are you oke honey?” she hold my face
“yes I am ok mom, I speak with brother dodi”
“your brother?” she looked wierd
“yes mom” I said to her seriously
“oh Lyli, my beloved daughter_while take me sit on the bed_ I know you love your brother very much, but you should accept that your brother was go to face God, forever” mother said to me sadly.
“no, I see him just now, even I  talked to him”
“there was no one Lyli, I see nobody, not your brother”
“But mom..”
“enough Ly, I do not want hear that  words again”  directly huge my body and her tears fall down, I can feel it on my arm, and  also I cannot fold my tears away.
“I love you ly, and will not let you go with your consciouness”
I was lazy to go out of my room, in the outside I feel there is no more life, no more spirit, no more happyness, no more glad I found. My world is my room because I will find my brother here.( Since my father was also die eight years ago, I lost my two beloved men. I feel life was no longer. Oh but I am forget, I still have my mom)
“what are you thinking of?”
“Thingking of you and father”
“Please Ly, we are fine”
“I think also about mom, she said that there is no more you here”
“I will always here with you Lovely”
“Promise” while erase my tears.
The next day, I saw crowded in front of my house, many people gathered there. From the  small gap on my window, I know that they want to come because the invitation from my mother. It is common in my place, when there was a person die, the family of the die person will conduct ceremonial after a week.
 As usual I will not out of my room, I will talk with my brother, tell each other about many things. Until he took my hand and brought me outside, I was still talking  with him, asked him to fly on the air, on the way_at the yard of my house_, a voiced heard
“With whom do you speak Ly?”
“Brother Dodi” I answered
“he was dead” interrupted another voice
“but now he is with me, here” I convinced
“Mad” said other voice
“Crazy” replied one voice
“no, I am not” I shouted
Untill I heard all people there shouted me crazy, mad many times, but with one voice I shouted loudly ” No I am not crazy, I am not mad.“

Selasa, 23 September 2014


Well, sebenarnya tulisan ini udah lama ditulis, tapi daripada cuma mengendap di laptop, mending gue post di blog, kali aja bermanfaat. :) tulisan ini adalah hasil summary bedah buku  POS-ISLAMISME ANALISIS STRATEGI DAN KEBIJAKAN AKP TURKI’ yang diselenggarkan oleh KAMMI NTB dan Nusra Institute dengan narasumber pah Pahrurrozi, ST. pada 31 Oktober 2013

 Mengawali pembicaraan mengenai isi buku yang ditulis oleh Ahmad Dzakirin, dengan tebal 745 halaman yang terdiri dari delapan bab ini, narasumber memulai dengan penjelasan perkembangan politik Turki, bahwa sebelumnya Turki pernah mengalami beberapa kali kudeta, yakni pada tahun 1960, 1980, 1997. Analisis penyebab kudeta khususnya di Negara-negara islam kemudian adalah adanya gejala politik yakni ketika gerakan-gerakan islam mampu  memenangkan gerakan politik seperti yang terjadi di Mesir sekarang ini (tahun 2012 red), atau yang pernah terjadi di Aljazair, Pakistan, Tunisia, dan Indonesia ketika partai masyumi pada tahun 1955 memenangkan 25 % suara di parlemen. Pada penjelasan selanjutnya adalah analisis munculnya AKP di Turki. AKP (Adalet Ve Kalkinma Partisi)  atau The Justice and Development party yang merupakan salah satu partai poitik yang bertransformasi menjadi partai sekuler (dari sisi individualnya islam namun secara kelembagaan ia sekuler) yang sebelumnya merupakan partai islam yakni partai reefah, dan karena pada pemilu sebelumnya partai reeefah tidak lolos parlementary threshold (hanya mendapatkan 2 % suara), maka akhirnya Erdogan sebagai pimpinan partai melakukan reinterpretasi sekularisme sehingga mengganti partai reefah menjadi AKP. Kesadaran akan kegagalan gerakan islam menghadapi tekanan-tekanan yang bertubi-tubi oleh musuh baik dari eksternal maupun internal juga merupakan awal dari terbentuknya AKP. Erdogan melakukan transformasi kebanggan terhadap islam tidak hanya secara simbolik emosional namun dengan objektif rasional, karena itulah menurut Erdogan salah satu yang mampu mendorong kebangkitan islam. Dalam buku tersebut juga dikisahkan tentang perjalanan kesuksesan  AKP mengelola Turki, berikut ada empat hal yang menjadi poinnya;
1.       Tonggak keberhasilan pertama; mampu melakukan reinterpretasi sekulerisme (seperti pada penjelasan sebelumnya).
2.       Membangun kantong-kantong pengusaha muslim, dimana Turki sekarang berhasil menguasai jalur perdagangan Uni Eropa. Sebesar 21 % pengusaha muslim Turki menguasai GDP (Gross domestic Product) Turki. Selain itu AKP juga sukses membawa Turki dari inflasi sebesar 35 % berkurang drastic menjadi hanya 5 %.  Agresifitas  gerakan islam sangat agresif terhadap perkembangan ekonomi, sehingga mampu menopang partai.  Sehingga Kesuksesan AKP tidak semata karna konsolidasi politik, tapi juga konsolidasi ekonomi.
3.       Kesukesan gerakan islam sebagai gerakan sosial, mengakomodir seluruh yatim piatu,memberikan beasiswa, pelayanan sosial secara  massif, yang intinya adalah memberikan jaminan sosial yang tinggi kepada rakyat Turki.
4.       Kesuksesan AKP(turki) dalam menundukkan militer; dengan memanfaatkan term-term atau ideology demokrasi salah satunya keinginan turki agar bisa diakui di Uni Eropa. Memperkuat kepolisian. Dimana dulu ketika ada wacana kudeta kepolisian yang mengungkap sehingga bisa diantisipasi.

ini aja yang bisa ditulis, pastinya masih banyak kekurangan2, so I am looking forward to receiving your constructive critics and suggestion :)

Rabu, 17 September 2014

Kimchi, one of the five healthiest foods in the world

  The rapid spread of K-Pop’s popularity has brought people to love and seek everything about Korea: its culture, its movie and inevitably its cuisine. One of the most popular of Korea’s cuisine is kimchi. Kimchi or kimchee is Korea’s national dish, which is made of fermented vegetables.
                There are many ways of making kimchi, but it is usually contains Chinese cabbage, salt, garlic, red pepper, green onion, fish sauce and ginger. In some kimchies also put cucumber and raddish. Actually early kimchi was made of cabbage and beef stock only, and later use red chili after Japanese invasion to Korea in 15 century. Those ingredients are mixed together, put into a container and allowed to ferment for three or four days. Even in traditional preparation, kimchi is often allowed to ferment underground in jars for months.
                Moreover, nutritionists say that kimchi is very good. In fact, the U.S. Magazine Health says it is one of the five healthiest foods because it has a lot of vitamins and because it helps digestion. It may even prevent cancer. It also contains a high concentration of dietary fiber, while being low in calories. One serving also provides over 50 % of the daily recommended amount vitamin C and carotene. Kimchi is also rich in vitamin A, B1, B2, calcium and iron. The other four healthy foods are yogurt, olive oil, lentils and soy.
                Because of its ingredients like chili and pepper make kimchi very spicy and because it is fermented, it has a very strong taste. Most westerners have to get used to the taste, but Koreans adore it. They eat it with every meal, either alone or mixed with rice and noodles. They also use it in soup, pancakes, and even as a pizza topping.

Kamis, 11 September 2014

Da Concpiracao

Novel: Da Conspiracao (sebuah konspirasi)
Penulis: Afifah Afra
Tebal buku: 600 halaman
            Novel ini berkisah tentang seorang pangeran Jawa yang telah menamatkan pendidikannya di universitas Leiden, Belanda dan berhasil meraih gelar doktorandus ekonomi, ialah pangeran benderan Rangga Puruhita, keturunan pangeran Pakubuwono X. pangeran tampan,cerdas, dan berkarisma yang biasa dipangggil tuan rangga ini adalah merupakan interniran (orang yang diasingkan oleh ratu Belanda karena dianggap mengancam kesatuan Republik Hindia Belanda) yang diasingkan di sebuah pulau kecil yang sebenarnya bernama Nusa Ninggra (pulau ular) namun para pendatang asing menyebutnya Flores yang berarti flowers. Tokoh utama lainnya adalah seorang wanita keturunan tionghoa yang merupakan salah satu pengusaha terkaya di Ende karena mewarisi harta kakaknya dengna nilai yang sangat mencengangkan. 3 juta gulden. Ialah Tan Sun Nio, wanita cantik, cerdas dan juga berkarisma, selalu punya cita-cita bisa melanjutkan kuliah di universitas Leiden, namun karena terbentur budaya harapannya pupus sudah, itulah sebabnya ia selalu mengagumi sosok yang pernah mengenyam pendidikan di Leiden, termasuklah Rangga yang telah berhasil membuatnya jatuh cinta. Novel ini mengambil setting  tempat di Flores, dengan  perpaduan setting zaman penjajahan belanda, sekitar tahun 1908-1926 yang diwarnai dengan konspirasi tingkat tinggi bajak laut; Elang Timur: rencana pendirian Negara Flores raya yang telah mengambil begitu banyak korban termasuk salah satu guru spiritual Rangga di Flores; Syeh abdurrudin yang ditembak di depan mata kepalanya sendiri karena tidak menyetujui rencana tersebut. Karena mengikuti jejak gurunya Rangga masuk ke dalam pusaran konspirasi tersebut disamping memang misi balas dendam Janggo da Silva (pimpinan utama bajak laut Elang timur yang pemerintah Hindia Belanda pun enggan berurusan dengannya karena sangat ditakuti di seluruh penjuru) kepada rangga Puruhita atass perlakuan masa lalu kakeknya, pangeran pakubuwono X kepada Janggo Da Silva. Tak terkecuali Tan sun nio, wanita cerdas yang berhassil meguasai hamper seluruh perekonomian Flores menjadi bagian dari konspirasi tersebut, karena usaha perniagaan opium warisan kakaknya yang tertembak mati sebesar 3 juta gulden telah menjadikan dirinya dalam bahaya karena uang tersebut di claim janggo Da Silva masih sebagai miliknya, dan ia ingin mengambil  uang itu untuk membangun Negara Flores Raya. Namun rencana tersebut berhasil tercium oleh pemerintah Hindia Belanda. Maka terjadilah perang antara pasukan bajak laut Elang Hitam dengan pasukan KNIL.

Sebenarnya ini masih setengah cerita, so, yang masih penasaran baca sendiri aja ya :D
oh ya, ini buku ketiga dr trilogi De Liefde and De Winst, tp berhubung yg ketemu duluan buku ini, jadilah sy t tulis ini duluan.